Category Archives: Blog

How Soon After Birth Can You Start Working Out?

In this post I’m sharing how to begin working out after giving birth. I know you probably have a lot of questions about postpartum exercise. I’m hoping to answer those questions for you today. If you have additional questions about working out after giving birth, please email me at [email protected].  Your Questions About Working Out…

5 Reasons Why The Small Steps Create the BIG WIN

In this post I’m helping you set small goals, for BIG wins. When you set small, smart and attainable goals, you’re actually much more likely to HIT those bigger goals.  When you shoot for the stars, and not exactly reach them, ask yourself, do you REALLY land on the moon? I think most of us…

7 Tips to Reach Your Fitness Goals Fast… as a Busy Working Mom!

In this post Coach Taylor is helping set Fitness Goals for Busy Moms. As a mama herself she knows the importance of being able to not only set the right fitness goals, but also to meet them, even when you are BUSY. This post really will help you do it all.  It’s not new news…

7 Reasons Why Moms Should Take Care of Themselves First

In this post I’m helping moms work on putting themselves first. I know you might be thinking “what about my kids?! They always come first”. But what if we changed that narrative? Here’s why Moms Should Take Care of Themselves First and why that’ll help them be a better mom as well.  Moms: think about…

5 Reasons Why You’re Regaining Weight After Losing It (And What to Do Instead)

Are you tired of regaining weight after losing it? Again… and again… I get it because I have been there! I used to regain weight all the time after losing it. And it took me years to learn why that was happening, and what to do instead! Now I’m going to be sharing 5 reasons…

4 BS Excuses Holding Moms Back And How You Can Overcome Them!

In this post I’m going to be tackling your common fitness excuses and how you can overcome them. Yup. Kick those excuses to the curb with these helpful tips. Lose the weight and keep it off! Can you honestly tell yourself you are exactly where you want to be with your health, wellness, and physical…

Team Nathalia Melo Fit is… Expanding?!

In this post I’m very excited to be introducing our brand new fitness coach, Taylor! She’s joining our coaching team to help give outstanding coaching service to women around the world.  Hello there! Nathalia here, and today I am SUPER excited to make a huge announcement. For many years the Nathalia Melo Fit coaching team…

How This Mom of 2 Lost 25lbs While Caring for 2 Babies

In this post I’m sharing the inspiring story of how one mom could lose 25lbs, while caring for her two babies. This is a reminder that it is possible for all mamas to hit their weight loss and fitness goals! Let’s get inspired. Sometimes in life we go through a LOT and just need a helping…

How Losing 9lbs Helped Marina Rediscover Herself

When you don’t like the way you feel about yourself, it bleeds over into other areas of life. It can affect productivity, confidence, and pretty much any and every aspect of your life. This is the case for so many of my clients, including Marina. Learn how losing 9lbs helped her rediscover herself.  Losing 9lbs:…

Why Don’t My Macros and Calories Match on My Tracking App?

Is there a reason the macros and calories don’t match on your tracking app? Is this mismatch making it hard for you to track your progress? Read below to learn why this mismatch might be happening and tips on how you can change the way you track moving forward to help improve tracking accuracy. Calories…

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