How This Mom of 3 Regained Her Confidence To Wear A Bathing Suit!

In this post I am going to be sharing the inspiring story of this Busy Mom and her Weight Loss Journey! Let me introduce you to Jennifer. 

Today I am super excited to share Jennifer’s story. A 48-year-old mom to 3 kids, ages 16, 10, and 8. She is living proof that you can crush your fitness goals at ANY stage of motherhood. Even if your babies are already teenagers, you can have a rocking body!

Even though Jennifer was always into health and fitness, she was missing some important elements of a good fitness plan. And despite your best efforts, if you’re not doing things right, your progress will be painfully slow or even stall altogether. 

I know this is such a normal story for moms, that’s why I am so excited to share this inspiring story of a Busy Mom’s Weight Loss Journey with you.

Ready to get inspired by this busy mom on her weight loss journey?

Like so many, Jennifer was tired of diet plans that felt overly restrictive. She was tired of avoiding the beach because she wasn’t feeling confident in her body and was dreading putting on a bathing suit. She was tired of putting in time at the gym and getting no serious results because she had no plan or guidance on what would truly help her. Sound familiar? Here’s how Jennifer got back on track and got the beach bod she was after and regained confidence in herself.

 “I was tired of not wanting to go to the beach with my kids because I dreaded being in my bathing suit.”- Jennifer

Jennifer’s story (One Busy Mom and her Weight Loss Journey)

Despite her busy days (Jennifer is a part-time hairstylist and colorist! In addition to caring for her 3 kids and chauffeuring them all day to activities!) She has always made her health and fitness a priority. Soon after her youngest was born, she began following a plant-based diet, and has been a vegan ever since. She also went to the gym, exercised, and started watching what she ate, which included counting out and proportioning her macros. (More on Macros HERE)

You may be thinking to yourself at this point: “But wait!? Aren’t those all great things to do?? I see nothing wrong here!” Well, being fit and losing fat is NOT always just as easy as just eating healthy and working out occasionally. Those are a huge part of it, but something was missing.

It’s especially difficult when you’re a busy mom on her Weight Loss Journey.

Although Jennifer was putting in a lot of effort and, on the surface, seems to have been doing everything right, there were some areas she struggled with and fell short. I know this is such a common issue with us busy mamas!

You can do all the right techniques, but if you’re not doing them the right way, or missing a key element, you won’t see a lot of progress.

Jennifer’s Journey

So there Jennifer was…following restrictive diet after restrictive diet. And she did try joining programs to help her. But she found those to not be sustainable in the long term (something MANY if not MOST diets out there have in common), which made her repeatedly fall off the wagon. She also says her macros were often “way off”, after which she’d beat herself up over the fact that she wasn’t doing things right. 

For Jennifer, the motivation was there. The desire to be fit and healthy was there. The drive was somewhat there since she was seeking out plans and going to the gym. So what went wrong? The key element Jennifer struggled the most with…was consistency and sustainability. She had trouble staying consistent in her diet and consistent when it came to exercise. By not being consistent, she was sabotaging herself not only by not giving it true effort. Also by not allowing herself time to assess whether the plan she was following was even going to work for her.

This is something I see happening very often with those who are just trying to piece things together on their own, in hopes it all works. It creates confusion because you don’t know if your failed efforts are due to not following everything or the fact that the plan itself is not the right one. 

And as Jennifer said, once she did follow through, she’d burn out because of the plans being unsustainable. This frustrating cycle continued for her until last year.

The turning point 

What caused Jennifer to want to change her tactics? “I always think of that saying: nothing in your life will change unless YOU change.” She realized she needed something more…something beyond what she was doing on her own… she needed a plan…something to help her stay consistent and accountable, as well as some more guidance when it came to workouts and diet. And something she could actually stick with as a lifestyle, not something that had her feeling deprived. 

She was also not liking how much her body was affecting her mental health. Although she wasn’t overweight, she did have certain pesky “trouble spots” that many of us are all too familiar with! She recalls worrying about the size of her butt in certain jeans, and having to tuck in her belly upon sitting down. 

“Before, I used to go through the day thinking “ ugh my butt is so big in these jeans” or tucking my little belly into my pants when I sat down, hating wearing shorts . It was always in my head. Some days it really affected my mood.” -Jennifer

Meet Jennifer, A Busy Mom on her weight loss journey (working out from home)

See, even if you’re not overweight, we sometimes have those spots that bother us, and can be easily fixed with the correct guidance. Exercise and shedding a few pounds of fat can work wonders with helping the overall look of your body and helping to troubleshoot tough areas, but you have to approach strategically or you could find yourself working yourself to the ground without real results… which, then can lead to frustration and just giving it all up. It doesn’t have to be this way, I promise!

The Change

Jennifer first joined in on one of my fitness challenges. She liked what was provided and so signed on for the Mother Strong League for more long-term help. It was in these programs she learned how to have a sustainable and realistic approach to her Nutrition. And she gained the support she needed to stick with them this time! She got the body she wanted and with it came confidence. Although in the past Jennifer often wasn’t happy with how she looked in many outfits, she says, “Now I just live. I put on anything in my closet and go. It’s very freeing.” And she doesn’t dread putting on a bathing suit and heading off for a day at the beach with her kids anymore! 

How did all this happen?

So Jennifer joined in the thick of the pandemic when many gyms were closed and she was struggling with home workouts. She got just the push she needed to get back on track and just…DO the workouts! Not only that, but she has told me she’s beginning to actually enjoy her cardio! (“A little” she adds with a laughing emoji!!) Listen…if I can help someone get from dreading and skipping workouts to actually liking them, even a bit, that’s a win in my book!

Get inspired by Jennifer - working out at home on her Busy Mom Weight Loss Journey

As for diet, she is now following a MUCH more sustainable diet and eating enough to fuel her body and workouts. All while following a plant-based diet. She reports that she loves that no food is “bad!” And no food is 100% off-limits. This is about making smart choices, with leeway for treats every so often, plus, the fact that she follows a vegan diet was accounted for. This helps eliminate a big part of the guilt so often associated with food. 

All in all, Jennifer appreciates the fact that when she puts in the work, then she sees results. “I also love that it’s pretty black and white. If you follow your Nutritional guidance and do the workouts you will get results. Very simple.” You get a very clear-cut formula that helps eliminate the guesswork. 

“I finally like my body.”

Are you inspired by this Busy mom on her Weight Loss Journey?!

Those words make all this worth it, and is why I do what I do! I’m super proud of Jennifer, as I am with all of my clients. They put in the effort and!

If you’ve been on the fence about joining the Mother Strong League, it’s a perfect time now! Remember Jennifer’s story…just because you’re doing it all “right” doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll see results. IF you do not have a tried and tested system, it just means what you are doing is guesswork. 

So, why is NOW the perfect time to join? Ready for this? (Drumroll please!) I’m announcing my Memorial Day Weekend promotion which lets you join the Mother Strong League for 3 months and get 3 months COMPLETELY FREE for only $297! If you’re ready for change, ready to feel confident in your bathing suit just like Jennifer is now… this is for you! JOIN HERE!

Just make sure you hurry up because this promotion is for a limited time only. It will be ending in just a few days. Just head on over to this page to sign up!

Wanna help others get inspired by this busy mom on her weight loss journey?! Save this post to Pinterest (and follow me @nathaliamelofit for more!)

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