This Mom’s Amazing Transformation With Personalized Coaching (With 8 Kids!)

In this post I’m sharing a personalized coaching story from one the best mamas I’ve worked with. Get ready to be inspired by her story.

Personalized Coaching Transformation with Talin

Time. Time is such a beautiful, complex, fascinating thing, isn’t it?

Sometimes time is moving wayyyyy to slow and sometimes you’re trying to grasp at it because it’s going wayyy too fast! It is composed of all these little moments that bring us joy, happiness, despair, anger, hurt, love… all the feels! ☺️

The moment you hold your baby in your arms, time changes for you! You sit there and hold your baby PRAYING time would stop and you can hold and protect them forever. Unfortunately, time does not stop & all too soon, your baby is running through the house, babbling nonstop and it seems like you don’t have enough time! 

Girls night? What is that? Spa day?.. I don’t remember her. A morning slept in with a day of Peace-and-quiet… WHAAAAA 😳😳 

Insert here your life circumstances. A single mother, a working mother, a stay-at-home-mom, a mom of multiple kids, a mom of 1 kid, a mom-to-be… all beautiful & challenging in their own way. Not one is easier or better than the other. All moms experience pure bliss and happiness at times and at other times… well you know..

I hear from moms ALL. THE. TIME. that they just don’t have enough time.

They take care of everyone and everything else but never seem to find enough time for themselves. I have two beautiful kids and it is all a balancing act to be a good mother, a wife, a businesswoman, a friend… and I wholeheartedly believe that it is so important to make goals & strive towards them. Goals that are just for you. You want to lose weight? Do it! You want to tone your arms? Do it! You just want to look better? DO IT!

This is why I wanted to help moms because, trust me, I. GET. IT. I love getting to know all my clients on a deeper level so I can help them to the greatest extent. I recently interviewed Talin, a mom who is enrolled in my personalized coaching… and Girl. It put things in perspective… even for me! 😂 

She has a beautiful blended family of 8. KIDS.

Yup! You read that right! 8. KIDS. She has given birth to 4 of them, including a pair of twins, I might add! Like all moms, she found herself busy with not enough time. She started this program to help her get back on track.

She said..
My main struggle was returning back to my original weight pre-babies (5 years ago). I worked out and dieted but the lowest I got was around 126 pounds. Not bad but not where I wanted to be.”

Like most moms, it is not always a piece of cake getting back to the body you want post-babies. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first child or 3rd or 5th. Your whole body, mind & life changes. Sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction to get you going. Someone who will be straight up & honest about all the BS excuses that come with “life.”

The reason why she joined the personalized coaching resonates with many women I’ve coached. She said,

“What I was doing wasn’t working. And because it wasn’t working I ate more, drank more. Didn’t really care.

I do have weight lifting experience. I lifted for about 7 years and stopped when I got pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago due to high risk. Then I got pregnant with the twins and was high risk again and on bed rest so I just never got back into it. But even though I had prior experience, it all seemed so overwhelming I didn’t know where to begin again. My goals also changed in the interim and I didn’t know how to get to where I wanted to be.”

We have all been there before… You know, when we are annoyed AF with our progress or lack thereof and we kind of just say “F*ck it.” We try so many different diets fads and absolutely nothing works. And at times, because the fads we tried failed, we gain allll the weight back and sometimes even more!

“Having an actual coach that I can get in touch with if I need help with something, a basic question or even if I want to send a silly pic if I wanted to. Nathalia is super responsive and she genuinely cares about me and what I’m feeling.”

As time goes on, I love to ask my clients what has made them the happiest during their journey. It is important to me to make sure every single one of you ladies hit your target goals. 

“Seeing the difference. I love flexing in the mirror or seeing the pump during and after. It motivates me to work harder…. I feel stronger, healthier.”

The personalized coaching program is designed especially for each client, making sure it fits around their schedule in a sustainable and effective manner. It gives women the structure they need and the push towards their goals. 

The goal of the personalized coaching experience is to make sure women not only get the results they are after, but they also learn how to sustain those changes even when we are no longer working together. I want them to feel their best so that they can show up more confidently and strong for themselves and for their families, and that’s exactly how Talin feels right now:

‘’I don’t get tired as quickly as before. I have more energy throughout the day. Also, Seeing muscle definition mentally relates to strength for me.”

Whether it’s losing weight or just toning your body, IT. 👏 TAKES👏 TIME.👏 There is no magic pill. It takes work. Tough work. Lots of work. But it CAN be done, with the right plan and the right guidance. 

“Don’t hesitate and Join! As long as you stick to it and do as directed you will not be disappointed. It was one of the best investments I made on myself. I’ve been working with Nathalia for 4 months now and I continuously see changes in my body. I have no plans on stopping anytime soon.” 

This is your time Mama! Life is beautiful, hectic, crazy, busy.. So make the most of it! Become the best version of yourself & push yourself to be better. 

Lots of (tough) love,


P.S. 3 Spots are available for the Personalized Coaching experience, If you’d like to find out more email [email protected] with the subject line: ‘Coaching’.

And if you want to learn more about the other programs that I have to offer, just click HERE.

P.S.S. Don’t forget to share this blog to a mama who needs some inspiration! I know I did! 🙂

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