COVID may be old news, but the new normal isn’t! We’re still navigating a new post-COVID world and for many women and moms, that means not getting back into the gym yet. This is a workout you can do at home today. And trust me, it’s going to kick your butt!
Finding it hard to get to the gym? Workout at home today.
Are you finding that you have little time to get to the gym these days? There is SO much that takes up our time as working moms. We want to make life magical for our kids and our families and are running around trying to get everything perfect and just so. And in the meantime, we let ourselves fall by the wayside. We sacrifice our “me time” to make things like the holidays perfect for everyone, and that’s an amazing thing! I definitely understand that going to the gym is not high up on your priority list right now.
As mothers, we already have busy schedules. During the holidays, our busyness increases even more! Many people have family over, and often they’ve come from far away and you have to be the tour guide (Listen, I totally get this one! We have my family and my husband’s family visiting and staying with us this holiday…so, I get you guuurl!) Then there are all the hours we have to spend decorating the house for the holidays and listening to Mariah Carey singing ”Alll I waannt fooor Christmaaaas issss yooooouuu!” (Just me? OK, then!)
And let’s not forget about having to battle our way through shops’ aisles to see if we can get that last-minute gift. (I LOOOVE online shopping, but sometimes there is no other option and you actually have to leave the house for something… how inconvenient! Haha.) Oh…and, what about waiting in line to take the kids for a lovely pic with Santa?? A picture that will most likely end up with you sitting on Santa’s lap while your child has a full-on meltdown!
Whew, did you get as tired as I did just reading all those? As we all know, the holidays can be overwhelming. So where does your usual workout fit in? Because goodness knows you need your gym time after that turkey and pumpkin pie and baking those cookies “for Santa” (wink wink). Not to mention that exercise also helps mood, energy levels, and more. So what should you do?
The fact is, you are probably not going to have much time for the gym right about now. Or not as much time as you usually do. And that’s ok! I totally understand. But, that doesn’t mean I’m endorsing staying home all winter long watching Netflix on your couch all day (haha, as if your kids will let you do that!) Nope! Neglecting to work out for too long can leave you feeling complacent….meaning after months of not working out, exercising again is going to feel like a chore. Once you have that momentum going, you do NOT want to lose it!!
That is why I have created this fast and efficient full-body home workout you can do from your living room! Wohooo! That’s right, this workout will leave you feeling like you just spent time at the gym. It’s important to continue your usual workout schedule, or at least stay close to it. This workout is just the right amount of strenuous to give you that just-left-the-gym-after-an-amazing-workout-session feel. Yet it’s short enough that you can find time to squeeze it in between wrapping presents and taking mom and dad out to see the sights!
Workout at home: