14 Tips for Staying Active in the Winter: A Guide to Winter Fitness

In this post, I’m helping you get in shape this winter. I’m sharing 14 tips to stay in shape in the colder months. Enjoy my guide to winter fitness for women. 

I don’t know about you, but when winter hits, my family tends to find more reasons to stay indoors versus going outside. Who could blame you? The cold, wet/snowy season seems less than inviting when you’re snug under some blankets on the couch enjoying the warmth. 

Let’s be honest here, those winter months are the toughest on our bodies because we find ourselves eating more (especially during the holidays) and exercising less. Then January rolls around and all of a sudden, those New Year’s Resolutions become about losing the weight we just packed on. Stop the cycle!

A Guide to Winter Fitness for Women

Continue staying active in winter. A good cold-weather workout has proven to be absolutely beneficial for your health, mood, and gives you a boost in energy. So bundle up, grab those snowshoes and beanies, and head outdoors this winter for some winter fun. Enjoy my fitness for the winter guide!

1. Dumbbells

Incorporate a dumbbell exercise routine in your day by finding the right plan for you on my site!  Whether you are looking to tone or bulk up, engaging in a dumbbell activity daily for your cold-weather workout will help you reach your goals.

2. Baby Wearing Squats

Babies can make working out challenging. If your baby finds comfort in being with you constantly, don’t let that hold you back from a good cold-weather workout. Wear that baby around the house or outdoors and engage in some weighted squats. Your glutes will thank you!

3. Neighborhood Jog

Assuming weather conditions are safe, go out and enjoy a fresh neighborhood jog. You can do this alone, with a friend, or with your family. If needed, take your child in a stroller and jog with them in tow. Running in the cold helps you burn more calories and strengthen your heart.

4. Take A Hike

What do you mean “take a hike?” Isn’t hiking for spring and summertime? This couldn’t be further from the truth! Being outdoors during any season has benefits for you and your family. Sunset is still beautiful in summer or winter, right? Exactly! Mother Nature is equally enjoyable during the winter. So, take a hike with your family. Enjoy what those hiking trails have to offer during winter versus summer or spring. Winter fitness for women doesn’t have to stop at the indoor gyms; go out and explore!

5. Dance Party

Doesn’t a good dance party just warm you right up?! Turn up some music at home with your children and have a fun, energetic, calorie-burning workout. Or dance solo to get your blood pumping and give yourself a much needed break during your busy day. Shimmy your dance party outside to your backyard or front porch area to soak up some of that vitamin D.  

6. Grocery Bulk Up

Getting all your grocery bags into the house can be a workout on its own. Take advantage of that opportunity to really get your blood pumping. Use those milk gallons as free weights. Grab some of those meat packs and do some weighted squats or lunges before they head to the freezer. Whatever groceries you buy, think about how you can use them for an opportunity to workout!

7. Ice Skating

Strap on some ice skates this winter and enjoy a family day at the ice rink! Is there a better way to do leg day? Bulk up those leg muscles as you navigate yourself and your children around the ice rink while using some core balancing skills. I promise, your legs won’t fall off (even though it will feel like it). But they will thank you later!

8. Using Stairs

If you have stairs in or around your home, use them for some quick cardio! Get your blood pumping, heart racing, and work those legs while burning calories at home.

9. Jog Around Your Home

Sometimes it’s just too cold, slippery, or wet to go jogging outside. In that case, turn your home into a track for a light jog around the house. Even jogging in place keeps you active in winter.

10. Family Friendly Sports

My favorite day of the week is Saturday because that usually means a day filled with outdoor family-friendly sports. This winter, we plan on trying some ice hockey Saturdays! This is a great cold-weather workout for me and my children. What are your favorite family-friendly sports? Make your winter Saturdays adventurous with a game or two with family and friends. Maybe this is a new tradition you’ll want to keep around for future winters to come!

11. Home Workout Programs

Another winter fitness for women option includes working out in the comfort of your own home. Try my new 12 Days of FitMas challenge to get you started with home workouts! Incorporate these circuit workouts during the week by yourself, with your spouse, and have your children join the fun.

12. Outdoor Housework 

We all know that housework doesn’t stop with indoor cleaning; take your family for some active work outside as well. Spruce up your garden boxes to get them ready for spring or try building something new altogether. Those arms will appreciate an alternative workout with some hammering or sawing.  

13. Active TV Time

There are days when it is impossible to get outside during winter and some TV time is warranted. Just don’t let that couch consume you! Instead, use those commercial breaks to keep up with your fitness for winter goals. Start with some jogging in place. You can also try jumping jacks, wall sits, and lunges across the living room.

14. Park Time with Children

No matter what time of year it is, playing with your children is fun, energizing, and rewarding on many levels. I love going to the park with my little ones and hearing their little giggles as I push them higher in the swing. Don’t let winter keep you from creating more of those memories with them! Take your children to the park for some active playtime. Get another cold-weather workout in by running around the playground with them!

How Will You Stay Active This Winter?

Just like that, you now have a whole fitness for winter guide to keep you active in winter! No more excuses, right? 😉 So what are you going to do to stay active in winter? Tell me how you plan to incorporate some fitness for winter this year!


Looking for a workout, but don’t know where to start? how about starting with this FREE Full Body High-Intensity workout I have put together especially for you?! Grab your free copy HERE.

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