
Being Busy Is Your Superpower, Not Your Curse!

Being Busy Is Your Superpower, Not Your Curse!

Unpopular opinion: What if being busy is actually your superpower? As women, especially moms, we have a ton on our plates. Time is scarce -- I get it! But if you think you can't stick to a program because you're "too busy," your mind is seriously about to be blown.

In this episode, I talk about why being busy is your superpower in disguise, NOT your curse. You'll learn what the real problem is with having a busy schedule and how to shift your mindset to start working towards your goals in a sustainable way. It's time to stop making excuses and start kicking some ass, ladies!

Topics Covered:

  • Why having more time won't help you get more shit done
  • Why the problem isn't you, it's your strategy
  • The importance of having the right perspective
  • What happens when you don't live in alignment with your goals
  • How to start shifting your mindset so you can reach your goals

Did you resonate with this episode? How are you going to change up your strategy? I would love to know! Message me on Instagram to let me know and tell me what topics you want to hear more about or who I should have on the show. 


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Resources & Links Mentioned

Postpartum Mental Health with Dr. Aparna Iyer

The Truth About Postpartum Fitness & Pelvic Floor Health with Dr. Carrie Pagliano

Connect with Nathalia

Get my favorite pre-workout HERE





Thanks for joining us on the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and review on Apple and Spotify to help us reach even more women ready to simplify their fitness journey so they can lose weight, regain their confidence, and feel sexy AF!

More about the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast

Ever wish you had a fit and straightforward BFF with over 15 years of experience to help you filter through all the information regarding fitness, nutrition, and life?

That’s exactly what you’ll get when you listen to the Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast. 

Join Former Bikini Olympia Champion, mom of 2, and fitness coach Nathalia Melo each week as she shares fitness, nutrition, and life tips to help busy working moms simplify their fitness journey so they can learn easy and simple strategies on how to lose weight and feel sexy AF. 

After helping over 5000 busy working moms, Nathalia has found the blueprint to fitness, nutrition, and life success, which she will be sharing in this podcast: actionable tips that will help busy working moms be more present at work and at home.

This show is for you if you realize that nothing good comes from your comfort zone and are ready to challenge yourself to achieve great things. Follow Unfiltered Fit Life wherever you are listening to join us each week for a splash of sass, humor, and a whole lotta truth. 

This episode is brought to you in partnership with Leah Bryant Co.

The podcast transcript for this episode of the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast follows

Hello, hello there, fam! Welcome to another episode of the Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast. I am Natalia Melo, your host.

Super excited to be here because today we’re going to talk about something that’s both fun and thought-provoking. It’s a bit of an epiphany—a “come to Jesus” moment I had just yesterday. I really wanted to share this on the podcast because I believe it’s going to help people see things from a different perspective.

Today, we’re discussing: What if being busy is actually a superpower that most women have—but they’re just not using it effectively?

Shout-Out to Listeners and Encouragement to Leave Reviews

Before we dive in, I want to give a quick shout-out to our listeners who leave amazing reviews on podcast platforms. I want to read one from Apple Podcasts, which I hope inspires you to leave a review too.

And listen, good or bad, you’re not going to hurt my feelings, okay? I’m a big girl. I’ll survive. Chances are, I’ll still be having a glass of wine tonight regardless of the reviews.

That said, the goal here is to make the podcast better—to discuss topics that challenge us and help us see things differently.

Here’s the review from Christine MP:
"I love listening to this podcast when I work out. It helps me stay in the right mindset. She is 100% honest without sugarcoating the truth. I also find Natalia to be extremely empowering."

Thank you, Christine! I hope as you’re listening to this podcast, you’re getting pumped up and getting swole, bro.

Another thing you can do to help this podcast grow is to share it. We’re almost at 2,000 downloads as of right now, and I’d love for you to share this with a friend or on social media. Tag me—I love when you guys tag me!

Topic Introduction: What if Being Busy is a Superpower?

Let’s dive into today’s episode. We’re asking the question: What if being busy is actually a superpower, not a curse, but we’re just looking at it through the wrong lens?

This idea came to me while reflecting on my life and the women we work with in the Powerhouse Academy. We work with incredibly busy women—many of whom are moms. Others are planning to start a family or just have a lot on their plates. Time is scarce, and one of the biggest challenges I hear is:
"I’m so busy, I don’t have time to stick to a program or prioritize myself."

I get it. Life is busy.

Natalia’s Personal Experience

Let me share some context from my own life. I’m a mom of two kids who are just 14 months apart. I’m married, running a business with a decent-sized team, and starting another business (more on that soon!). Life is hectic.

But here’s the interesting thing:
When I look back at a time in my life when I had more time, like when I was bartending, I accomplished less.

When I was bartending, my job started in the evening, so I had the whole day free. But instead of being productive, I’d wait all day to go to work, and suddenly it was 5 or 6 PM, and I had done nothing.

Contrast that with when I was juggling multiple jobs and prepping for competitions: I was a personal trainer, bartending, working for a supplement company, and prepping for competitions. Somehow, everything got done.

The Productivity Paradox: Less Time, More Efficiency

The less time you have, the more efficient you become. That’s one thing I’ve noticed about the most successful women in the Powerhouse Academy:

  • The busiest women, with structured lives, get things done.

Because when time is limited, procrastination isn’t an option.

For example, if you commit to working out from 6-7 AM, that’s it—you have to get it done then. You can’t push it to later.

The Strategy Problem: Why Most Women Struggle

Here’s the issue:
Most women are trying to use strategies that worked for them when they weren’t as busy.

When life changes—whether it’s kids, a demanding career, or other responsibilities—they keep going back to an old plan that doesn’t fit their current reality.

For instance, if your previous fitness plan required hours at the gym or cutting out all carbs, it’s unlikely to align with a life where you have kids, a spouse, and a career.

Using the wrong strategy makes you feel like a failure—not because you lack commitment, but because the strategy doesn’t fit your life anymore.

The Confidence Connection

This brings me to an epiphany I had:
What if living in a body you’re uncomfortable with isn’t what causes you to lose confidence?

What if it’s the other way around?
What if not living in alignment with your goals and values is what chips away at your confidence?

When you tell yourself you’ll work out or stick to a nutrition plan, but you don’t follow through, it creates a cycle of self-doubt. Over time, that loss of confidence affects your ability to achieve your goals.

Breaking the Cycle: Tips for Turning “Busy” Into a Superpower

If you resonated with any of this, here are three tips to break the cycle:

  1. Get Clear on Your Goals
    Define your goals clearly and expand on them. For example:
    • I want to lose 20 pounds.
    • Okay, do you want to lose 20 pounds by spending hours in the gym? No?
    • Do you want to lose 20 pounds while still enjoying social events and eating the foods you love? Yes? Clarity is key.

  2. Assess Your Current Strategy
    Ask yourself: Is what I’m doing right now aligned with my ultimate goal?

    If it’s not, it’s time to find a strategy that fits your current season of life.

  3. Believe You’re Worthy
    This is huge. Do you believe you’re worthy of achieving your goal?
    If you don’t, no strategy will work.

Thank you so much for listening to today’s episode! I know this was more mindset-focused, but I believe real change begins when we challenge the narratives we’ve been telling ourselves.

If this episode resonated with you, please share it with a friend or leave a review. And remember: being busy can be your superpower when you find the right strategy and start living in alignment with your goals.

I can’t wait to chat with you next week. Bye!

Up next

The Truth Behind Feminine and Masculine Energy With Sarah Blodgett
Motherhood, Multi-million dollar business, & Mindset with Kim Constable