The Powerhouse Academy

How Ambitious High Caliber Women Like You Have Been Changed Forever By Our Simple No BS Done-For-You Approach Proven To Shed Body Fat & Sculpt A Sexy Powerhouse Body Without Strict Dieting, Or Living In The Gym 5-6 Days A Week!

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Dear Ambitious Women...

Want to create a sexy body that compliments the success you’ve created for your career and become a true powerhouse?

Our members can attest that our done for you process simply works. We get the best results in the industry for go-getter ladies like you because we take all the guesswork out. I promise you, our system works…these results from our clients speak for themselves:

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Now that you know our system works…

Who is this for?

  • Highly ambitious women who want to achieve true greatness in every area of their life.
  • Women who have high standards for themselves and don’t make excuses.
  • Women who have extreme levels of determination and ownership.
  • Women who have big dreams and goals that isn’t your typical cookie cutter stay at home mommy.
  • Women who are decisive, independent and make their own decisions financially and in every area of their life.

Who is this not for

  • Unmotivated women who want settle for mediocre standards for themselves.
  • Women who have low standards and make excuses for their fitness and life goals.
  • Women who have little to no determination, drive, passion and ownership.
  • Women who have dreams and yet live in fairytale land crossing their fingers as though their dreams will magically happen without taking massive action.
  • Women who are indecisive, can’t make their own decisions financially and are codependent on their husbands for every area of their life.

What's included in the Powerhouse Academy

Exclusive High End Private Coaching

Get personalized 1-1 support from your very own success coach who’s responsible and committed to ensuring your transformation

Ongoing Tailored Dietary Support

Ditch the generalized plan. You will get connected with a Registered Dietitian to tell you exactly what to do and when to do it based on your preferences, lifestyle, and health so you can reach your goals without overwhelm nor decision fatigue. 

Revolutionary Mental Re-programming System

You likely have assumed that the struggles in your fitness journey just require more fitness tactics and strategies. When in reality, the real issues are often mental/emotional blocks that need to be addressed first. In our elite program, you will get access to our cutting edge Mind First Solution with our In-house Counselor. (Btw… We are the pioneers on having a formally trained mental health professional within our fitness program, this has NEVER been done before)

Customized Training Program To Maximize The Little Time You Have

You will get all the tools and tactics you need to train for that sexy body without slaving yourself in the gym for 2 hours per session. We believe in sexy with sustainability!

Weekly Elite Calls

You will get direct access to our in-house Counselor, Registered Dietitian & World Class coaches during weekly small group calls, where we will guide you to fully remove all the guesswork from your fitness journey, so that you can not only accomplish your goals, but keep them!

Our Done-For-You Travel System

You will get hands-on support whenever you travel for work or for leisure. That way you can be fully present by having the support to know what exactly to eat on your trips, without the frustration of going backwards on your fitness journey.

Now you may be wondering…WHO AM I?

My Name is Nathalia Melo

I am the founder of The Powerhouse Academy where we’ve been able to support over 5000+ ambitious high caliber women like you create that dream SEXY POWER HOUSE BODY…and keep it in the long haul.

Now don’t just take my word for it. Check out what our clients have to say:

Cindy Roy

"As a former competitor, my biggest struggle was with food—I was trapped in a cycle of extreme dieting followed by uncontrollable binging. My life has done a complete 180 since joining this program. I've distanced myself from negative influences, prioritized my own needs, and developed a healthy relationship with food. I no longer label food as good or bad, and my self-confidence has soared. Surrounded by supportive, motivating people, I've lost over 30 lbs and gained a sense of self-assurance I never had before. These transformations are all thanks to you and the incredible coaching team."

Jessica Best

"Before The  Powerhouse Academy, I struggled with direction and felt unsupported. Other programs were one-size-fits-all, but here, my needs were truly heard, and I received a customized plan. I had difficulty with weight loss and muscle gain, and past advice to 'eat less and exercise more' wasn’t sustainable. Now, I'm consistently losing weight and feeling more confident and happy. My family even notices the happiness in my voice. The community is incredible—I feel supported in every aspect of life, not just fitness. Whether it’s work, family, or personal challenges, this global community is always there for advice and support."

Julie Roy

"When I found Powerhouse Academy, I was struggling with multiple aspects of my life. After breaking a hip, tearing my rotator cuff, and being diagnosed with three genetic autoimmune disorders, I lost self-esteem and confidence. My body couldn’t do what it used to, and fatigue consumed me. The loss of my mom to cancer only deepened my pain. But then I discovered Nathalia on Instagram—her honesty and straightforwardness drew me in. Just one month into Powerhouse Academy, I’ve surpassed my goal weight and am rediscovering myself. With Nathalia and her amazing team, I know my goals are within reach."

Pam Mckelroy

"At 297 lbs, my life was spiraling out of control. Depression and constant physical pain made me stop living. My feet were so inflamed I could only wear backless shoes. But with this program, I've lost 147 lbs, gone from size 22 to 6, and my labs are now normal. The inflammation is gone, and at 57, I'm completing half marathons, triathlon sprints, and biking over 21 miles. Despite being in post-menopause, I'm in the best shape of my adult life. This program and these coaches truly saved my life, and my journey has only just begun."


"I’ve always been a gym rat and committed to a healthy lifestyle, but after moving to the U.S. 10 years ago, I struggled with weight fluctuations, going from 115 to 165 pounds. My all-or-nothing mindset made me miserable and nearly led to depression. Since joining The Powerhouse Academy, I’ve learned the importance of balance and improved my relationship with food. I’m discovering strategies that will allow you to not only achieve my goals, but maintain them. Now I understand that lasting change requires a shift in mindset. The 'easy fix' doesn’t work—you have to change your mind to change your life."

We have a simple and done for you no B.S simplicity first based approach to creating the sexy body YOU want.

❌ No starving yourself 

❌ No crash dieting 

❌ No guesswork

❌ No training for hours a day

❌ No decision fatigue

❌ No useless gadgets nor supplements with empty claims or pseudoscience. 

❌ No endless amounts of cardio

It’s simple and exclusively tailor made for high level women like you.

Now here’s the thing…I created this system because I know the pains and struggles you go through being a powerhouse woman.


✅ A wife 

✅ A mom

✅ A leader to your team

✅ A go-getter and busy, always on the go

✅ A highly ambitious woman with dreams 

Truth be told, I know how you feel because I have been there.

I remember after becoming Miss Olympia in 2012, I had my first child.

Life was completely different.

The juggling between growing my company, being married to Roger and raising children was extremely challenging.

Miss Olmypia. Me. The fittest girl on the planet.

Was struggling to create that sexy shaped body again.

I began to try to apply everything that used to work back in my former Miss Olympia days yet NOTHING was working.

I was frustrated. I hated how I looked in a mirror…but I didn’t quit.

And after tons of trial and error, I was able to recreate myself once again. Not only do I have a thriving business that requires a lot of time and energy from me. Not only do I have an amazing husband and children.

I’ve been able to create a sexy powerhouse body WITHOUT the crazy dieting I was doing back in my Miss Olympia days.

Fast forward, not only have I done it for myself, my Simply Lean System has been able to help thousands of busy high caliber women create their dream sexy body.

Are you ready to create your own sexy powerhouse body?

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Get started in THREE simple steps

Fill out your
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with our team
Discover if you qualify to work with us and if we’re a good fit for each other

Here are some more amazing stories from our clients and their transformations

Frequently asked questions about the Powerhouse Academy

Ready to take it to the next level?

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