I’m the founder of The Powerhouse Academy where over 5000+ ambitious high caliber women like you have created that dream SEXY POWER HOUSE BODY using our Simply Lean System…and most importantly keep it in the long haul.
I’ve been featured in renowned magazines & publications such as Cosmopolitan, Oxygen, Shape, Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Daily Express, The Daily Mail, Bodybuilding.com and many more! I’ve been invited to speak to other fitness professionals in 30+ countries and shared stages with top fitness and business leaders around the world!
Our system is simple, and exclusively tailor made for high level women like you.

Now here’s the thing…I created this system because I know the pains and struggles you go through being a powerhouse woman.
Truth be told, I am you.
I remember after becoming Miss Olympia in 2012, I was on top of the world. My dream had come true.
Heck… I had just earned the title of having the fittest body on the planet!
And then…a new season of life started when I found out I was pregnant with my . Shortly after giving birth, I found out I was pregnant again and had my daughter. I then went from no kids to two kids in just 14 months.

During this time I gained over 40lbs. Like many of the women reading this, life was completely different with so many new responsibilities. Juggling between growing my businesses, being married to Roger and raising 2 kids was extremely challenging to say the least.
I thought I knew exactly what to do, because after all, I had previously earned the title of having the fittest body in the world. But after a lot of failed attempts, I quickly realized what worked then, wasn’t going to work now. Life was different.
Initially I felt completely frustrated as if something were wrong with me. But the truth is I truly hated what I saw in the mirror and something had to change. I could’ve kept on doing the same thing expecting different results, but instead I decided to create a more simplified system that was better suited for my new roles and responsibilities.
I realized that if I wanted to create a sexy powerhouse body again, I had to do it with a new approach. I no longer had time to spend hours in the gym nor did I want to live off of chicken and broccoli like I did in my Miss Olympia days.
I have finally cracked the code and created a system to build a lean and sexy body all while going through the different seasons of life, from having kids and now into my 40’s experiencing all the hormonal changes.

I’ve been able to rebuild the body of my dreams without sacrificing time with my family nor feeling like a failure because I know while having long work hours, my system allows me to be efficient and get results with less time training.
And now with this system that I developed to change my life, my company has been able to help over 5000+ busy high caliber women like you create the sexy body of their dreams.

Women like us, we are the 1%. We don’t settle. We aren’t tolerant towards merely having “a good life” with a white picket fence. We desire greatness. Whether financially, relationally, emotionally or physically…we want to become the best of the best.
It means being a woman with a sexy body and great accomplishments. Yet more than that, it means being fierce with our goals and taking ownership and responsibility to making our dreams come true.
Why? Simple. Being a powerhouse woman means being THE elite 1%.
It’s time you become the powerhouse woman you are meant to be in ALL areas of life.
After having kids I quickly realized that spending hours in the gym and eating a strict (i.e. boring!) diet of chicken and broccoli wasn't realistic for my new life.
Meet the Team
When you work with our Powerhouse team, you get so much more than a coach. You get a team of professionals dedicated to your success story.