
Success, Failure & Growth: Why High Achievers Struggle With Change

Success, Failure & Growth: Why High Achievers Struggle With Change

Stuck in the perfectionist trap when it comes to your fitness journey? You’re not alone. In this episode, I’m calling out the high achievers who are unknowingly sabotaging their own progress because of one thing—the fear of failure. If you’re waiting to be perfect before you start, you’re already losing the game.

I’m using a recent call with a powerhouse attorney who struggles to move forward in her fitness journey despite crushing it in her career because she’s terrified of failing. We’re breaking down how perfectionism—while great for climbing the corporate ladder—can completely wreck your ability to make progress in personal wellness. If you’ve ever felt stuck because you’re afraid of looking like a beginner or because nothing ever feels good enough, this episode is your wake-up call.

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Here's what we cover:

  • Why perfectionism is the ultimate progress killer in fitness (and life).

  • Why courage beats confidence every time—and how the 4 C’s formula can shift your mindset.

  • How to finally separate your self-worth from the outcomes you chase.

  • The illusion of perfection in fitness and how it messes with your long-term consistency.

Listen, fear of failure has kept way too many people from even trying. But here’s the truth: success starts with looking like a beginner. Growth happens in the messy, unpolished steps you take forward—not in the waiting game of trying to be perfect.

If you fail but learn something from the experience, is it failure? - Nathalia

So tell me—what’s one thing you’ve been avoiding in your fitness journey because of fear? And more importantly, what’s one action you can take today to break that cycle? Let’s talk about it—DM me on Instagram!

If this episode hits home, share it with a high-achiever in your life who needs to hear this. Let’s rewrite the rules together—because perfection isn’t the goal, progress is. 

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More about the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast

Ever wish you had a fit and straightforward BFF with over 15 years of experience to help you filter through all the information regarding fitness, nutrition, and life?

That’s exactly what you’ll get when you listen to the Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast. 

Join Former Bikini Olympia Champion, mom of 2, and fitness coach Nathalia Melo each week as she shares fitness, nutrition, and life tips to help busy working moms simplify their fitness journey so they can learn easy and simple strategies on how to lose weight and feel sexy AF. 

After helping over 5000 busy working moms, Nathalia has found the blueprint to fitness, nutrition, and life success, which she will be sharing in this podcast: actionable tips that will help busy working moms be more present at work and at home.

This show is for you if you realize that nothing good comes from your comfort zone and are ready to challenge yourself to achieve great things. Follow Unfiltered Fit Life wherever you are listening to join us each week for a splash of sass, humor, and a whole lotta truth. 

This episode is brought to you in partnership with Leah Bryant Co.

The podcast transcript for this episode of the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast follows

Nathalia [00:00:01]: Hello. Hello there, fam. Welcome to another episode of the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast. I'm Natalia Mellor, your host. Thank you so much for being here. And I want you to start today's episode with a huge thanks to every single one of you because last week, we had a record, downloads in one given week, and I'm so incredibly grateful, for all of you that have been listening, sharing the episodes. That's your way of paying, you know, paying me for my time. You do this by sharing.

Maybe, just maybe, as you shared with a friend, one of the messages in this podcast resonates and helps a friend of a friend. The goal for each one of these episodes is to help at least one person get out of their own way and feel their best—be able to fully live life the way it’s meant to be. Not thinking about food, not thinking about what they’re going to wear, not thinking about how uncomfortable they are in their bodies. It is about creating freedom. So thank you for being a part of this mission with us.

Perfectionist Mentality Amongst High Achievers

Now, let’s go to the topic for today’s conversation, which is something that I’m incredibly passionate about: the perfectionist mentality amongst high achievers.

I’ve been thinking about recording this episode for some time, but I wanted a very specific story to connect this to. Last week, I had a call with an incredible lady—very successful attorney—who has been stuck with her fitness journey for years. She has tried everything and just started another extreme strategy.

Recognizing the Pattern

As we talked, I started to notice a pattern. I asked her, “What do you think is going to happen if nothing changes?” She said, “I’m probably going to be the same or even worse.” Then, I asked her, “Do you think the Powerhouse Academy could help you?”

She responded, “This absolutely can help me, but I’m afraid.”

When I dug deeper and asked her exactly what she was afraid of, she admitted, “I’m afraid I’m going to fail.”

Reframing Failure

I asked her, “Do you think that what you’re doing right now is working?” She answered, “Absolutely not.”

So I said, “Would it be fair to say that right now, to an extent, you are failing because you’re not being successful?”

That was an eye-opener for her. Right now, failure is already a given. But by trying something different, there is a 50/50 chance—she could fail, but she could also succeed.

The Perfectionist’s Paralysis

One of the biggest ways that the fear of failure holds high achievers back in fitness is perfectionism leading to paralysis. High achievers are often very successful because they are perfectionists. But perfectionism can also stop them from taking action.

For example, imagine you have 20 minutes instead of your usual 40 for a workout. The perfectionist mentality will say, “If I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all.” But fitness is about momentum. Skipping one day can quickly turn into skipping weeks or even months.

Perfection is an Illusion

Are you perfect in your career? Even at the pinnacle of success, do you never make mistakes? Of course not! The key is to keep showing up despite imperfections. The same applies to fitness—consistency beats perfection every single time.

The Fear of Looking Like a Beginner

Many high achievers are used to being great at what they do. Stepping into something new, like a different fitness approach, makes them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, they hide behind work instead of showing up for themselves in fitness.

Avoiding Discomfort Keeps You Stuck

Sticking to a routine that isn’t getting results, just because it’s familiar, is a major trap. Growth comes from stepping outside your comfort zone.

Imagine if children refused to walk because they didn’t want to look like a beginner and fall. We’d all still be crawling! The only way to get better is to embrace being a beginner.

Dan Sullivan’s 4 Cs Formula

Dan Sullivan’s book, The 4 Cs Formula, lays out the process for building confidence:

  1. Commitment – Decide to do something.

  2. Courage – Show up even when it’s messy.

  3. Capability – Build skills over time.

  4. Confidence – Comes from proving to yourself that you can do hard things.

The Association of Failure with Identity

High achievers often tie their self-worth to success. When they fail, they think, “I’m not good enough.” But failure isn’t personal—it’s just part of learning.

Would you ever tell your child that they aren’t good enough if they fail in sports? No! So why do we talk to ourselves that way?

Reframing Failure: 3 Perspective Shifts

  1. The most successful people fail more than others. They just don’t quit.

  2. Redefine success as progress, not perfection. Focus on actions, not just outcomes.

  3. Embrace discomfort as part of growth. Overwhelm and challenge mean you are leveling up.

Final Takeaway: Challenge Yourself

If you are afraid to fail, you are never going to give yourself the chance to succeed.

Ask yourself: What is one thing you’ve been avoiding because of fear of failure? What’s one thing you can challenge yourself to do differently?

Thank you so much for listening! If this episode resonated with you, please share it with a high-achieving woman in your life. You might just help change their perspective.

I’ll see you next week!


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