
Getting Real about Plastic Surgery

Getting Real about Plastic Surgery

Are you one of my social media followers who is curious about the realities of plastic surgery and fitness? I received a lot of questions on socials about the procedure itself, why I had it done, and the pain. Today, I'm discussing being transparent AF, expectations, and the importance of aligning cosmetic procedures with a healthy lifestyle.

This episode covers personal choices, responsible decision-making, and advocating for yourself in the journey of self-improvement.

In this episode, we cover:

  • The role of honesty in the discussion about plastic surgery and body image.
  • Insights into choosing a surgeon who listens and considers your lifestyle and fitness.
  • The truth behind a reverse tummy tuck and why advanced technology like Renuvion can play a part in body confidence.
  • How cosmetic procedures can enhance your life, but not at the expense of basic health principles.
  • Why discussing the details of recovery and pain management is crucial for anyone considering surgery.
  • Setting the right expectations for your body and not rushing into any surgical decisions.

Plastic surgery is neither a shortcut to an ideal body nor an output of laziness but rather a personal enhancement choice that requires a serious commitment to ongoing health practices.

Understanding that transparency about such choices—and the rigorous maintenance and self-care involved—is key to promoting a realistic, informed, and body-positive narrative.


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More about the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast

Ever wish you had a fit and straightforward BFF with over 15 years of experience to help you filter through all the information regarding fitness, nutrition, and life?

That’s exactly what you’ll get when you listen to the Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast. 

Join Former Bikini Olympia Champion, mom of 2, and fitness coach Nathalia Melo each week as she shares fitness, nutrition, and life tips to help busy working moms simplify their fitness journey so they can learn easy and simple strategies on how to lose weight and feel sexy AF. 

After helping over 5000 busy working moms, Nathalia has found the blueprint to fitness, nutrition, and life success, which she will be sharing in this podcast: actionable tips that will help busy working moms be more present at work and at home.

This show is for you if you realize that nothing good comes from your comfort zone and are ready to challenge yourself to achieve great things. Follow Unfiltered Fit Life wherever you are listening to join us each week for a splash of sass, humor, and a whole lotta truth.


Up next

Balancing Training and Recovery for Postpartum Athletes with Brianna Battles
Tackling Misinformation and Setting Realistic Goals with Cosmetic Procedures