
Female-Centric Health: Dr. Stephanie Estima on Nutrition, Exercise, and Menopause

Female-Centric Health: Dr. Stephanie Estima on Nutrition, Exercise, and Menopause

Do hormones and metabolism impact your fitness goals? Are you navigating perimenopause or menopause and feeling unsure about how to tweak your workouts and nutrition? In this episode, I sit down with the incredible Dr. Stephanie Estima to break it all down. We’re diving deep into female-specific health strategies—everything from brain science to muscle-building to finding joy in the midst of hormonal shifts.

Dr. Stephanie and I guide you through understanding the unique needs of women’s bodies and how to create fitness and health strategies that actually work. Wondering how your hormonal cycles affect your training? Curious why resistance training is non-negotiable? You’re in the right place. This episode is packed with evidence-based insights and practical advice to help you thrive at every stage of womanhood.

This one’s for you if you’re ready to adapt your fitness routine to meet the specific needs of a woman’s body, especially as you approach menopause or work through perimenopause. If you’ve been frustrated with traditional fitness approaches that just don’t fit or you’re looking for proven strategies to level up your health and well-being, this conversation is exactly what you need.

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Here’s what we’re covering:

  • The science behind brain function, neurophysiology, and women’s unique health needs.

  • How hormones like estrogen and testosterone affect fitness and metabolism.

  • Why strength training trumps cardio for women—especially during perimenopause and menopause.

  • Smart strategies to prevent aging-related issues like osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

  • How to overcome the mental barriers that hold you back from committing to healthy habits.

Life doesn’t slow down, and neither should you. Embracing the changes in your body and giving it what it needs can make all the difference. Let’s get one thing straight: our bodies aren’t just smaller versions of men with “pesky” hormones. They’re intricate, powerful, and deserve specialized care.

If you are not being strategic, if you're just the cardio bunny, you are going to lose muscle and you are going to lose bone to the tune of, like, 1% a year. - Dr. Stephanie Estima

What are you doing to honor and adapt to your body’s changing needs? Hit me up on Instagram and share your thoughts—I’d love to hear from you! And come back next week as we continue this conversation with Dr. Estima!

Meet Dr. Stephanie Estima

Stephanie Estima, DC, is an expert on female-centric health span, lifespan, and performance and the creator of the Estima Diet. With a deep understanding of neuroscience, metabolism, nutrition, and exercise physiology, she helps women make informed choices about evidence-based health strategies and tools that improve their quality of life and help them live more confidently and joyfully.

Dr. Estima has shared her expertise on TV interviews, podcasts, health & wellness summits, conferences, and webinars worldwide. She hosts BETTER! with Dr. Stephanie, a top-rated podcast with over 6 million downloads across nearly 400 episodes.

Mentioned Links & Resources

Midlife Body Positivity & Realistic Fitness Goals

Connect with Dr. Stephanie Estima

Better! with Dr. Stephanie Estima Podcast



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More about the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast

Ever wish you had a fit and straightforward BFF with over 15 years of experience to help you filter through all the information regarding fitness, nutrition, and life?

That’s exactly what you’ll get when you listen to the Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast. 

Join Former Bikini Olympia Champion, mom of 2, and fitness coach Nathalia Melo each week as she shares fitness, nutrition, and life tips to help busy working moms simplify their fitness journey so they can learn easy and simple strategies on how to lose weight and feel sexy AF. 

After helping over 5000 busy working moms, Nathalia has found the blueprint to fitness, nutrition, and life success, which she will be sharing in this podcast: actionable tips that will help busy working moms be more present at work and at home.

This show is for you if you realize that nothing good comes from your comfort zone and are ready to challenge yourself to achieve great things. Follow Unfiltered Fit Life wherever you are listening to join us each week for a splash of sass, humor, and a whole lotta truth. 

This episode is brought to you in partnership with Leah Bryant Co.

The podcast transcript for this episode of the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast follows.

[Nathalia Melo]
Hello, hello there, fam! Welcome to another episode of The Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast. I’m your host, Nathalia Melo, and today I’m thrilled to bring you an incredibly special guest.

She’s a leader in women’s health, particularly in understanding female-centric health, metabolism, nutrition, and exercise physiology. She’s the creator of The Stigma Diet and is passionate about empowering women to make evidence-based health choices. Her goal? To help women live more confidently and joyfully, especially during perimenopause and beyond.

She’s also the host of The Better Podcast with Stephanie, a top-rated show with over 6 million downloads and nearly 400 episodes. I had the honor of being a guest on her podcast, and today I’m excited to welcome her to ours.

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Stephanie Estima!

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
Thank you so much, Nathalia. I am absolutely delighted to be here. We had such a great conversation on my show, and I’m honored to join you here today.

From Neuroscience to Female Health

[Nathalia Melo]
Dr. Stephanie, your work is phenomenal. Before we dive into today’s discussion, can you share what sparked your journey into neuroscience, psychology, and eventually your focus on women’s health?

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
Absolutely! My love for the brain started early. I’ve always been fascinated by how it works—everything from neurotransmitters to behaviors. So I pursued degrees in neuroscience and psychology to dive deeper into understanding how the brain influences our actions and emotions.

Later, as a chiropractor, I focused on the neuromusculoskeletal system, which led me to explore the interplay between the nervous system, muscles, and overall health.

But what really pushed me toward women’s health was my clinical experience. I noticed stark differences between men and women when it came to health outcomes, even with identical treatments. That’s when I began delving into how women’s unique biology—our hormones, menstrual cycles, and more—affects everything from metabolism to exercise performance.

Now, my work focuses on educating women that we’re not just “small men.” We’re beautifully unique, and our health strategies should reflect that.

The Brain’s Role in Fitness and Behavior

[Nathalia Melo]
I love how you tie the brain and body together. From your perspective, how much does the psychological aspect influence physical health outcomes?

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
It’s everything. Our mental state drives our stories, which then dictate our behaviors.

For example, if you believe you’re not worthy or capable of achieving your health goals, that narrative will sabotage your actions. Women often fall into cycles of shame and self-blame when they don’t stick to a program, but the root cause is often deeper.

To break the cycle, you need to face all parts of yourself—not just the shiny, “good” parts, but also the shadowy, “messy” parts. Once you acknowledge and integrate those aspects, you can make lasting changes.

Breaking Free from the Quick-Fix Cycle

[Nathalia Melo]
That’s so powerful. And it ties into something I see a lot in fitness—the obsession with quick fixes. Women jump from one 28-day program to another, hoping for results, but it doesn’t address the root cause of their struggles.

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
Exactly. These programs often create short-term results because they manipulate diet and exercise in ways that aren’t sustainable. The real challenge isn’t losing weight—it’s maintaining those results for decades.

To do that, women need to ask themselves, “Who do I need to become to achieve this goal?” It’s not about hacks or tips. It’s about cultivating habits and behaviors that align with long-term health and body composition goals.

Why Women’s Health is Different

[Nathalia Melo]
Speaking of long-term health, many women rely on advice from their husbands or male trainers, thinking, “If it works for him, it’ll work for me.” Why is that approach flawed?

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
Great question. Women and men are fundamentally different, not just in terms of hormones but also biomechanics and physiology.

For example:

  • Women have a wider pelvis and a greater Q angle (the angle between the hip and knee), which impacts how we move and our injury risk.

  • Hormones like estrogen and testosterone influence everything from metabolism to muscle recovery.

  • Women’s bodies are naturally more defensive of fat stores, especially during childbearing years, even if you’re not actively trying to conceive.

Trying to follow a male-centric plan often leaves women frustrated because it doesn’t account for these differences. Women need tailored strategies that honor their biology.

The Importance of Strength Training

[Nathalia Melo]
One area where women often need guidance is strength training. It’s common for women to default to cardio because they believe it’s the best way to lose weight. How can we shift that mindset?

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
This is such an important point. Cardio has its place, but it’s not enough for long-term health. Strength training is essential, especially as we age.

Here’s why:

  1. Muscle Mass Declines with Age – Starting in your 30s, you lose about 1% of muscle mass annually. By the time you’re in your 60s, that can translate to a significant loss in strength and mobility.

  2. Bone Health – Resistance training strengthens bones, reducing the risk of fractures, which can be life-altering in older age.

  3. Metabolic Benefits – Muscle is a metabolic powerhouse. It helps regulate blood sugar, burn fat, and improve cholesterol levels.

So yes, walking your dog is great, but it’s not enough. Women need to prioritize building muscle to support their health now and in the future.

Why the Old Strategies Don’t Work Anymore

[Nathalia Melo]
Many women try to replicate the fitness routines they followed in college—overtraining, under-eating, and cardio-focused—but those strategies no longer work. Why is that?

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
A lot of it comes down to hormonal and metabolic changes. As we age:

  • Estrogen Declines – This leads to increased visceral fat (around the organs) and changes in body composition.

  • Insulin Sensitivity Decreases – Our bodies become less efficient at processing carbohydrates, which can lead to weight gain.

These changes mean that the old “eat less, move more” approach is no longer effective. Instead, women need to focus on strategies like strength training and metabolic health to adapt to these shifts.

[Nathalia Melo]
This conversation with Dr. Stephanie Estima is absolutely mind-blowing. She’s breaking down complex concepts in such an accessible way, and I know you’re all learning as much as I am.

But guess what? We’re not done yet! This was just Part 1. Stay tuned for next week’s episode, where we’ll dive even deeper into women’s health, fitness, and aging.

Thank you so much, Dr. Stephanie, for sharing your wisdom.

[Dr. Stephanie Estima]
Thank you, Nathalia. It’s been an absolute pleasure, and I can’t wait for Part 2!

[Nathalia Melo]
See you all next week! Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with someone who needs to hear it. Bye for now!

Up next

The Hidden Impact of a Mom’s Behavior on Her Kids’ Health
Female-Centric Health: Dr. Stephanie Estima on Nutrition, Exercise, and Menopause, Part 2