Turning 40 in January has me a little nostalgic. Despite what people may think, I AM excited about it! I'm ready to make the best of it and prove people wrong. What better way to start than talking about things I wish I knew when I started my fitness journey 26 years ago?
I really liked the feminine, more muscular look, and I knew that to accomplish that, I was gonna have to go to the gym. So, I started going to the gym when I was 14 years old, living in Brazil. From there, it was payment plans, excessive supplement usage, and doing whatever trending diet my mom was doing.
Join me as I reflect on what I wish I had known when I first embarked on this journey, from navigating supplements and trendy diets to the relationship between exercise and nutrition.
In this episode, we cover:
- The extremely difficult and nearly impossible belief that you can out-exercise a bad diet
- Steering clear of trendy diets because, ultimately, they're normally bullshit and not sustainable.
- Defying the dooming expectations of our society and approaching exercise and nutrition in a way that will have lasting results.
Trust me, I know it's easier said than done to stop taking the trending approach when we live in a society that constantly bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards and pressures us to conform. It can be hard to tune out the noise and believe in our own self-worth. BUT - it can be done.
Have you ever struggled with spending an obnoxious amount of money on supplements? What advice would you give to your younger self about this? Or have you ever felt pressure to follow trendy diets in pursuit of quick results? How has your perception of dieting and nutrition evolved over time? Share them with me on social media!
Mentioned Resources:
Get These Simple 10-Minute Grocery Sprint Tips FREE with my Lean Abs Grocery Haul Cheat Sheet. Download HERE.
Connect with Nathalia
Get my favorite pre-workout HERE
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More about the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast
Ever wish you had a fit and straightforward BFF with over 15 years of experience to help you filter through all the information regarding fitness, nutrition, and life?
That’s exactly what you’ll get when you listen to the Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast.
Join Former Bikini Olympia Champion, mom of 2, and fitness coach Nathalia Melo each week as she shares fitness, nutrition, and life tips to help busy working moms simplify their fitness journey so they can learn easy and simple strategies on how to lose weight and feel sexy AF.
After helping over 5000 busy working moms, Nathalia has found the blueprint to fitness, nutrition, and life success, which she will be sharing in this podcast: actionable tips that will help busy working moms be more present at work and at home.
This show is for you if you realize that nothing good comes from your comfort zone and are ready to challenge yourself to achieve great things. Follow Unfiltered Fit Life wherever you are listening to join us each week for a splash of sass, humor, and a whole lotta truth.