Nathalia Melo

Where Sexy Is Made Simple. Create Your Powerhouse Body.

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Powerhouse Academy

Personalized Online Coaching

Tired of complicated overly restrictive fat loss diets that leave you guessing and don’t work for your busy on the go schedule? Our process is where sexy,  the foods you love, and simplicity meet. This program will be the last one you ever need. You will learn how to create that powerhouse body you’ve always dreamed of.

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Ready to create a lean & sexy body?

Join the 28 days Tone & Sculpt Challenge!

Most women spend 17 years dieting only to end up at a dead end and feeling emotionally frustrated and wanting to quit. In this challenge, you will discover how you can ditch B.S dieting strategies and learn to burn body fat while enjoying a delicious glass of wine and eating luxurious dinners with hubby in just 28 days. Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting once and for all!



Unfiltered Fit Life Podcast

Want FREE no B.S unfiltered advice on how to transform your body, business and life? Follow us on the Unfiltered Fit Life podcast to transform your life today!

All Episodes

Get to know Nathalia

A former Miss Olympia who loves a glass of wine with an honest no bullsh*t real talk kind of personality.

I’ve created a successful fitness company that has helped over 5000+ ambitious high caliber women create the sexy powerhouse body of their dreams. I’ve been featured in the biggest magazines and have spoken on some big time stages. I’m constantly asked to be the guest on some of the biggest fitness and personal development podcasts.

Powerhouse isn’t something I just teach women  around the world. It’s my very way of life. If you’re ready to become the “powerhouse woman” you were meant to be in your body and life, then you’ve come to the right place.

Read My Story

Our Success Stories:

Jessica Best

"Before The  Powerhouse Academy, I struggled with direction and felt unsupported. Other programs were one-size-fits-all, but here, my needs were truly heard, and I received a customized plan. I had difficulty with weight loss and muscle gain, and past advice to 'eat less and exercise more' wasn’t sustainable. Now, I'm consistently losing weight and feeling more confident and happy. My family even notices the happiness in my voice. The community is incredible—I feel supported in every aspect of life, not just fitness. Whether it’s work, family, or personal challenges, this global community is always there for advice and support."

Pam Mckelroy

"At 297 lbs, my life was spiraling out of control. Depression and constant physical pain made me stop living. My feet were so inflamed I could only wear backless shoes. But with this program, I've lost 147 lbs, gone from size 22 to 6, and my labs are now normal. The inflammation is gone, and at 57, I'm completing half marathons, triathlon sprints, and biking over 21 miles. Despite being in post-menopause, I'm in the best shape of my adult life. This program and these coaches truly saved my life, and my journey has only just begun."

Cindy Roy

"As a former competitor, my biggest struggle was with food—I was trapped in a cycle of extreme dieting followed by uncontrollable binging. My life has done a complete 180 since joining this program. I've distanced myself from negative influences, prioritized my own needs, and developed a healthy relationship with food. I no longer label food as good or bad, and my self-confidence has soared. Surrounded by supportive, motivating people, I've lost over 30 lbs and gained a sense of self-assurance I never had before. These transformations are all thanks to you and the incredible coaching team."

Julie Roy

"When I found Powerhouse Academy, I was struggling with multiple aspects of my life. After breaking a hip, tearing my rotator cuff, and being diagnosed with three genetic autoimmune disorders, I lost self-esteem and confidence. My body couldn’t do what it used to, and fatigue consumed me. The loss of my mom to cancer only deepened my pain. But then I discovered Nathalia on Instagram—her honesty and straightforwardness drew me in. Just one month into Powerhouse Academy, I’ve surpassed my goal weight and am rediscovering myself. With Nathalia and her amazing team, I know my goals are within reach."


"Before joining The Powerhouse Academy as a new mom, I felt completely overwhelmed and frustrated with my postpartum body. Nothing I was doing was working, and it left me struggling with confidence, feeling like a failure, and on the verge of giving up.

Since joining, my biggest win has been learning to appreciate my body and its capabilities again. While losing weight has been amazing, the experience has given me so much more than just physical results. My confidence has grown in every area of my life—as a mom, wife, sister, and employee. I even left a job where I wasn’t valued, and now, I can honestly say I’m truly happy."